by Rena Striegel | May 4, 2021 | Leadership
Communication Strategies For Today’s Cancel Culture Every year the Merriam-Webster dictionary adds new words to its latest edition. In 2020, for example, they added the word slow-walk, which means “delaying the progress of something by acting in a deliberately slow...
by Rena Striegel | Nov 1, 2019 | Leadership
Top Women Entrepreneur for 2020 Rena Striegel Awarded Top Women Entrepreneur for 2020 by Great Companies. Great Companies is pleased to honor Rena for her outstanding achievements and indomitable spirit. For more information on Great Companies and this award, please...
by Rena Striegel | Oct 8, 2018 | FEATURED ARTICLES, Leadership
Leading Change: It’s All About What Is Staying The Same Discussions about “change” happen all the time. How do we plan for it? What should we say about it? How do we manage it? Will it be seen as positive … or negative? Research shows that resistance to change...
by Rena Striegel | Mar 1, 2018 | Leadership
Develop Leaders For Your Operation How deep is your farm’s bench? Developing leaders in your operation can be an exciting, as well as, challenging process, says Rena Striegel, president of Transition Point Business Advisors. Five steps to grow your team’s skills and...
by Rena Striegel | Sep 11, 2017 | Leadership
5 Millennial Management Tips Engage, motivate and train a stellar team Odds are good you have millennials on your team. You might even be one of them. This demographic claims more than one in three U.S. jobs, according to the Pew Research Center. Whether you are...
by Rena Striegel | Aug 29, 2017 | Leadership
Highly Effective Financial Habits How to plan for growth All business plans must be calibrated to today’s economic reality. Although a challenging profit picture is likely halting immediate growth plans for many producers, smart financial guidelines can help you...