by Rena Striegel | Apr 28, 2022 | Collaborative Teams, Farm Transition, Leadership, Succession Planning
Build Core Strength Build Core Strength “You can’t afford to ignore little monsters, because they grow into bigger problems. Kill monsters when they’re little.” – Rena Striegel, Transition Point Business Advisors A business that does...
by Rena Striegel | Mar 27, 2022 | Collaborative Teams, Farm Transition, Goal Setting, Leadership, Succession Planning
Succeeding in Succession Every farm has a story. Like most stories, farms also have chapters. These chapters may be defined by one planting season, a production year, or perhaps a generation of ownership. Todd Malecha, president of Malecha Enterprises in Villard,...
by Rena Striegel | Mar 14, 2022 | Collaborative Teams, Farm Transition, FEATURED ARTICLES, Leadership
Build An All-Star Team to Guide Your Succession Plan Move your succession plan forward with collaborative experts Many brains are better than one. As you move forward with your farm’s succession plan, your professional team will be critical in helping you achieve your...
by Rena Striegel | Dec 9, 2021 | Collaborative Teams, Leadership, Succession Planning
Stepping Boldly Into Tough Conversations Tough conversations are by definition – well – tough. Our natural tendency is to avoid them because of personal discomfort, concern that the conversation won’t go well or fear that the situation might get worse. The challenge...
by Rena Striegel | Oct 25, 2021 | Collaborative Teams, Farm Transition, Leadership, Succession Planning
Set Your Successors Up For Success Families often delay succession planning because they are concerned family dynamics will shift when a senior leader begins to transition. Postponing the decision to address the dynamics between your heirs creates a high-pressure...
by Tom Ambroson | May 20, 2021 | Goal Setting, Leadership
The Scoop on EOS Make strategic planning and streamlined communication a habit. As a CEO, you must spend your time on high-value responsibilities, but it is easy to get bogged down by jobs that are trivial or more fun. By starting the Entrepreneurial Operating...