How To Wear The Right Hat

Rena Striegel, President of Transition Point Business Advisors, is featured in the March 2017 issue of Top Producer Magazine in the cover article entitled, “Taking the Reins”.  Part of that article is where Rena talks about “How To Wear The Right Hat“.

The article explains as follows:

Communication in a family business is tough. The leaders at CD Bell Farms have turned their different personality types into strengths, and they aim to leave work at work when the day is over. This is key for family business success, says Rena Striegel, business coach and consultant with Transition Point Business Advisors in West Des Moines, Iowa.

“You need to remember which hat you are wearing,” Striegel says. “You have a family hat, staff hat and owner hat. When we deal with situations wearing the wrong hat, we will immediately create conflict.”

To improve productivity in your operation and reduce stress, Striegel suggests setting several ground rules.

Be Professional. Farm leaders communicate all of the time, but it tends to be sparse and unofficial. Key stakeholders often are not included. “When we have informal communication, we tend to leave out a lot of information,” Striegel says. Plan instead to hold regular family and operational meetings to create a communication structure.

Praise Often. Leaders in family operations are good at catching all of the wrong behaviors taking place from day to day, Striegel says. But it’s also important to catch team members doing the right things and to let them know are you aware of them. The more you tell someone they are doing things correctly, the more productive they will be.

Dive Deep. Personality differences, performance issues or unclear expectations can all cause conflict within a family business. Spend time with your employees to understand their personality types, and pinpoint where disconnect starts to occur. “Understanding is power,” she says. “If you don’t really understand what is causing it, it is hard to fix.”

Transition Point Business Advisors

Des Moines, Iowa · Phone: (515) 225-4486

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