by Rena Striegel | Nov 2, 2023 | Farm Transition, FEATURED ARTICLES, Succession Planning
Opening the Door to a Difficult Conversation Farm succession planning is a critical topic that often gets brushed under the rug due to a variety of emotional and practical reasons. Families and farm owners may avoid discussing succession because of deeply rooted...
by Rena Striegel | Apr 13, 2023 | Farm Transition, Leadership, Marketing Strategies, Succession Planning
Stamp Out Entitlement Develop ownership criteria before you need them. A desire to be part of the farm can quickly slide into an expectation of control. As you look at transitioning leadership and ownership of your farm to the next generation, be ready to tackle...
by Rena Striegel | Feb 2, 2023 | Collaborative Teams, Farm Transition, Goal Setting, Leadership, Succession Planning
Manageable steps to make progress with succession planning this year Succession planning is a marathon – not a sprint. Families should identify their goals, create a plan and establish a tempo that works for them in order to sustain the momentum needed to reach the...
by Rena Striegel | Oct 25, 2022 | Farm Transition, Goal Setting, Leadership, Succession Planning
Are You Setting Clear Expectations? Setting clear expectations is very important to keep everyone on track and to avoid situations that can derail the team and may end up affecting your succession plan. Bob was getting ready to transition ownership of his operation to...
by Rena Striegel | Jun 7, 2022 | Farm Transition, FEATURED ARTICLES, Succession Planning
Wellness Check: How’s Your Marriage? It is common in the agriculture industry for spouses to work together – creating an interesting and, at times, challenging dynamic. Rena Striegel, president of Transition Point Business Advisors, says couples often intertwine...
by Rena Striegel | Apr 28, 2022 | Farm Transition, Succession Planning
4 Vital Succession Planning Steps 4 Vital Succession Planning Steps If you want to see your farm succeed in the next generation, make sure you have the right plans in place, and set them up sooner than later. You can face huge costs if you don’t structure...