Identifying a Non-family Successor for Your Farm or Ranching Operation: A Strategic Business Approach

An effective leadership transition is not only about securing the future of your operation, but is also about nurturing the next generation of agricultural leaders who will continue to uphold the legacy of your organization for years to come.

By Rena Striegel

 In the realm of agriculture, the transition of leadership within a farm or ranching organization is a critical juncture that demands careful planning and execution. While tradition often dictates passing the torch to a family member, the modern landscape calls for a more strategic approach, one that may involve identifying and grooming a non-family successor.

If you find yourself in this situation, consider the following essential steps:

Illustration by Kristen Phillips.


 1. Establish a timeline

Like any strategic initiative, transitioning to a non-family successor requires a well-defined timeline. Initiate this process by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your current operational state and determining when the transition is both necessary and feasible. Factors such as your own transition/retirement plans, the readiness of potential successors and the overall health of the business must be carefully considered. Once a timeline is established, communicate clearly to all relevant stakeholders to ensure alignment and accountability across the organization.

2. Establish a process for idendifying your successor

Identifying the right successor is pivotal to the success of your farm or ranching organization. Develop a systematic approach for evaluating potential candidates, leveraging the following strategies:

  • Networking: Leverage your professional networks, industry connections and agricultural organizations to identify promising candidates both within and outside your immediate circle. Attend industry events, conferences and networking sessions to expand your pool of potential successors and tap into diverse talent pools.
  • Skill assessment: Conduct a rigorous evaluation of the key skills and competencies required for the leadership role. Utilize assessments, interviews and performance reviews to objectively assess potential candidates against these criteria.
  • Cultural fit: Assess candidates for their alignment with the organization’s values, mission and vision. Seek individuals who demonstrate a strong cultural fit and share a commitment to the long-term success and sustainability of the operation.
  • Leadership potential: Identify candidates who exhibit strong leadership qualities, including strategic thinking, decision-making abilities and the capacity to inspire and motivate others. Look for individuals who demonstrate a willingness to take ownership and drive positive change within the organization. Do not overlook evaluating the candidate for their ability to handle stress and to manage financial risk.

3. Develop an on boarding process

Once a successor is identified, facilitate a seamless transition through a comprehensive onboarding process tailored to their needs and the requirements of the role:


  • Introduction to operations: Provide the successor with a comprehensive overview of the farm or ranching operation, including production processes, supply chain management and quality control procedures. Offer hands-on training and shadowing opportunities to familiarize them with the day-to-day activities and challenges faced by the organization.
  • Financial literacy: Equip the successor with the financial acumen necessary to effectively manage the operation’s finances. Offer training and resources on budgeting, financial analysis, risk management and strategic planning to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions and drive profitability.
  • Relationship building: Facilitate introductions to key stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, financial partners and industry peers. Encourage networking opportunities and relationship-building activities to establish rapport and build trust with external stakeholders critical to success of the business.
  • Mentorship: Assign a seasoned mentor or coach from within the organization to provide guidance, support and feedback to the successor as they navigate their new role. Foster a mentorship culture that encourages continuous learning, professional development and knowledge sharing to accelerate the successor’s growth and development within the organization.

4. Addressing internal candidates

In some cases, the ideal successor may already be working within your organization. While this presents a unique opportunity for continuity and internal talent development, it also requires careful consideration to ensure a smooth transition and minimize potential disruptions. Evaluate internal candidates against the same criteria used for external candidates, focusing on their skills, leadership potential and alignment with the organization’s culture and values. Communicate openly and transparently with internal candidates about their potential for advancement and the expectations associated with the leadership role.

5. Put everything in writing

To solidify the transition process and mitigate potential misunderstandings, document all aspects of the succession plan in writing:

  • Succession plan agreement: Draft a comprehensive succession plan agreement outlining the roles, responsibilities, expectations and timelines for both parties involved in the succession process. Ensure clarity and specificity to avoid ambiguity and minimize the risk of disputes or conflicts down the line.
  • Job description: Develop a detailed job description for the successor’s role, outlining specific duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships and performance expectations. Clearly define the scope of the role and the key competencies required for success to provide a clear understanding of the position and its requirements.
  • Training and development plan: Create a tailored training and development plan for the successor, outlining those training programs, resources and developmental opportunities available to support their growth and success within the organization. Establish clear objectives, milestones and timelines for professional development initiatives to ensure continuous learning and skill enhancement.
  • Performance evaluation framework: Establish a robust performance evaluation framework to assess the successor’s progress and performance on an ongoing basis. Define the criteria, metrics and benchmarks for performance evaluation, and establish a cadence for formal performance reviews and feedback sessions. Document performance feedback, development goals and action plans to track progress and support the successor’s continued growth and development within the organization. This can be a step that is easy to overlook or put to the side during times where activities on the farm take precedence. However, keep in mind that addressing performance issues early can prevent larger, more complicated issues from developing.
  • Ownership transition and clawback clauses: Address the transition of ownership in the succession plan agreement, specifying the terms and conditions under which ownership will be transferred to the successor. Include a clawback clause outlining the conditions under which ownership rights may revert to the original owner or be subject to renegotiation if the transition process fails at any point during the transition period. This provision helps protect the interests of all parties involved and ensures accountability throughout the succession process.

The process of identifying and integrating a non-family successor into your farm or ranching organization is a multifaceted endeavor that requires meticulous planning, strategic foresight and effective execution. By establishing a timeline, developing a systematic process for identifying successors, implementing a comprehensive onboarding program, addressing internal candidates and documenting the entire succession plan, you can position your organization for long-term success and sustainability. Furthermore, the inclusion of a robust ownership transition plan and a clawback clause provides added security and accountability, safeguarding the interests of all parties involved. As you embark on this journey, remember that an effective leadership transition is not only about securing the future of your operation, but is also about nurturing the next generation of agricultural leaders who will continue to uphold the legacy of your organization for years to come.

This article also found here on Progressive Forage – June 2024

Article by Rena Striegel, President of Transition Point Business Advisors


Transition Point Business Advisors as has a program entitled, The DIRTT Project, which gives the American Farmer full control of their succession plan from beginning to end.  Go to our website to learn more about The DIRTT Project.